Goal Fatigue- how to spot it & stop it before it crushes your dreams!

If your get up and go has got up and gone and the joy, energy and enthusiasm you once felt for your goals is turning into exhaustion, frustration and a sense of obligation you may suffering from goal fatigue. Goal fatigue can happen to anyone, but recognising the signs and putting some simple procedures in […]

What´s in a Word?

Have you heard of the word of the year? The word of the year is a really easy way to create a laser focus on your goals so that every choice and decsion you make is in aligment with what you want to achieve. It´s so simple yet surprisingly effective.    The word you choose encapsulates […]

Do you want to crush your goals this year? Make them SMART!

Do you want to crush your goals this year? Run them through the SMART goal filter and experience the difference. If you Google SMART goals you will see many different variations of the acronym, all of which yield results. The version I am going to share with you is the one I have found to […]

Forget New Years Resolutions, Do This Instead……

New Year’s resolutions are not goals; they are pledges that have an unhealthy dose of the shame and guilt attached to them, and more often than not when you dig a little deeper you’ll find a silent Should  lurking in the background. If you´re like most people, your New Year´s Resolutions have already been relegated to the mental drawer […]