Gratitude is Good for You!

This week as American families everywhere are preparing for thanksgiving celebrations I thought it was the perfect moment to talk about Gratitude. For many thanksgiving, like Christmas, has become a commercial holiday and the focus has shifted away from remembering what you’re grateful for towards a more materialistic display of affection yet despite this gratitude seems to be a word […]

How to get out of Overwhelm Hell

You have a big goal, a clear vision, and you can see your final destination in the distance, but it´s oh. so. far. away……in the distance. Fear creeps in, bringing with it anxiety, apprehension and a large dose of procrastination for good measure. And boom you´re paralyzed.  Welcome to overwhelm hell, where dreams come to […]

Keep Your Inner Circle Sacred

When we reach a certain point in our emotional and psychological evolution we realise that the quality of our relationships is far more important than the quantity. Yet in a world where we have more connections than ever it is becoming increasingly difficult to be the gatekeepers of our time and energy. We all have […]

Want To Be Empowered- these 10 habits must go!

Are you ready to step fully into your power? It´s easier than you think, but there are a few habits that take us out of our power and they seem so innocuous we hardly give them a second thought. They are all practices that are easy to change and the shift towards a more empowered you […]

Let´s Talk about the F Word!

Let´s talk about the F word-no, not that one, this blog is for all audiences! The other one- Fear. I´m not talking about the intuitive hit that tells you to avoid a place or a situation that may potentially cause you harm, I am talking about the fear that grips us and prevents us from […]

No! Freedom in a one-word Sentence

Do you ever come away from an interaction feeling tired, depleted of just off? Do you feel like much of your life is spent doing things for everyone else leaving you little time for yourself and the things that bring you joy and give you energy? You may be saying Yes when you mean No and […]

Pull the Plug on Procrastination

Are you tired of not being able to fully relax because of that niggling sensation that there is something you should be doing; because there is something you should be doing? If you want to be someone who gets everything ticked off their list without it being a constant internal battle it may be time to pull […]