About Me

My interest in psychology and personal development started when I was a young teenager, I took my first Life Coaching course in 1996 when the profession was still in its infancy before going on to study psychology in University. I decided to explore the world and my journey took me all over, working and in countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, Poland and Spain- where I finally settled.

Having spent over a decade teaching, training and facilitating I decided I wanted to reconnect to my passion for psychology in a different way. I learned that coaching had matured into this amazing profession that really spoke to my values and my vision for what I wanted to create in the world as well as how I wanted to serve. So I retrained as a Life and Grief Coach and I hold the ICF´s PCC accreditation.

I LOVE what I do, the best thing about it is when my clients realise that they have everything they need, the answers are already there, sometimes we just need a little help seeing them and putting that knowledge into concrete action steps. Transformation is a lot more accessible than we are lead to believe and we often just need a little support (and some gentle challenge) to get us moving in the direction of our dreams.

My coaching style is developmental, you will walk away from a coaching engagement feeling like you´ve grown as a person and with a deeper sense of who you are as well as reaching your goals. I take a holistic or whole person approach incorporating mindfulness and somatic (body based) coaching techniques to ensure transformation is integrated on every level.

I now call Madrid home, I live here with my husband and dog. When I´m not working you can find me doing yoga, practising Reiki, reading anything I can get my hands on to do with personal development, spirituality or complimentary therapies, reading oracle and tarot cards or planning my next trip.

Niamh Mitchell coach

Max, the dog who stole my heart!

Be Empowered